
创建时间:  2020/10/23  许毅   浏览次数:   返回

Title:Electrocatalysts for Energy Conversion Processes

报告人:Professor Shizhang Qiao, The University of Adelaide


报告地点:腾讯会议:https://meeting.tencent.com/s/fWWBotuRZEV2会议ID:173 539 083

Abstract:Replacement of precious metal catalysts by commercially available alternatives is of great importance among both fundamental and practical catalysis research. Nanostructured graphene-based and transition metal materials have demonstrated promising catalytic properties in a wide range of energy generation/storage applications.Specifically engineering graphene with guest metals/metal-free atoms can improve its catalytic activity for electrochemical oxygen reduction reaction (ORR), oxygen evolution reaction (OER) and hydrogen evolution reaction (HER), thus can be considered as potential substitutes for the expensive Pt/C or IrO2catalysts in fuel cells, metal-air batteries and water splitting process. In this presentation, we will talk about the synthesis of nonprecious metal and metal free elements-doped graphene, and their application on electrocatalysis . The excellent ORR, OER and HER performance (high catalytic activity and efficiency) and reliable stability (much better than the commercial Pt/C or IrO2) indicate that newmaterialsare promisinghighly efficient electrocatalysts for clean energy conversion.


Title:Nanostructured Materials for Energy-Relevant Electrocatalytic Process

报告人:Professor Shizhang Qiao, The University of Adelaide


报告地点:腾讯会议:https://meeting.tencent.com/s/fWWBotuRZEV2会议ID:173 539 083

摘要:目前,纳米结构碳和石墨烯在能源存储和转换中具有广泛的应用前景。特别是杂原子功能化的石墨烯和孔性碳材料能够明显改进原有碳材料的氧还原反应(ORR)和产氧反应(OER)催化的活性,因而有望替代昂贵的Pt/C催化剂在燃料电池及金属空气电池等装置上得到应用。基于当前研究背景,我们开展了相关研究工作,并报道了非金属元素修饰的石墨烯材料(B,N-graphene, S,N-graphene)、三维g-C3N4@Carbon孔材料等材料的合成及它们在电催化反应中的应用。此报告将涉及相关实验方案设计、实验数据处理以及科研文章撰写等方面内容。

Biography of Speaker:Prof. Shi-Zhang Qiaois currently a professor (Chair of Nanotechnology) at School of Chemical Engineering of the University of Adelaide. His research expertise is in nanostructured materials for new energy technologies including electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, fuel cell, supercapacitor and batteries. He has co-authored more than 400 papers in refereed journals (over 30,000 citations with h-index >110), and has filed several patents on novel nanomaterials that are promising for fuel cells, photocatalysis and lithium ion battery.

Prof. Qiao was honoured with a prestigious ARC Australian Laureate Fellow (2017),ExxonMobil Award (2016),ARC Discovery Outstanding Researcher Award (DORA, 2013) and an Emerging Researcher Award (2013, ENFL Division of the American Chemical Society). He has also been awarded an ARC ARF Fellowship and an ARC APD Fellowship.

Professor Qiao is aFellow of Institution of Chemical Engineers (FIChemE),a Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) and a Fellow ofRoyal Australian Chemical Institute (FRACI). He is currentlyan Associate Editor ofJournal of Materials ChemistryA, andis a Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Catalytics Highly Cited Researcher (Chemistry, Materials Science).


下一条:【20周年院庆系列报告之十】Electrolyte design for Lithium and lithium ion batteries

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