【20周年院庆系列报告之十】Electrolyte design for Lithium and lithium ion batteries

创建时间:  2020/10/22  许毅   浏览次数:   返回

Wang, Chunsheng

报告人:Prof.Chunsheng Wang, University of Maryland

报告时间2020/10/24 20:00-23:30


会议ID:464 171 165,直播地址:https://meeting.tencent.com/l/kJlMtMEIpLrV

Abstract:Electrolyte is a critical component for high energy lithium and Lithium ion batteries. This course will start from fundamental knowledge of electrolytes for batteries, and then introduce the advanced electrolytes covering from aqueous, non-aqueous, to solid state electrolytes. The thermodynamic stability of the electrolytes, nature and role of solid electrolyte interphase, and electrolyte design principle for different anodes (graphite, Si), cathode (LiCoO2, NMC811, sulfur) will be discussed. This course will take the electrolyte design as an example to demonstrate the important of innovation research.


Dr. Chunsheng Wang is a Professor in the Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Maryland. He is an associate editor of ACS Applied Energy Materials, and UMD Director of a Center for Research In Extreme Battery, a join battery center between Army Research Lab and the University of Maryland. He received Ph. D in Materials Science & Engineering from Zhejiang University, China in 1995. Prior to joining University of Maryland in 2007, he was an assistant professor in Department of Chemical Engineering at Tennessee Technological University (TTU) in 2003-2007 and a research scientist in the Center for Electrochemical System and Hydrogen Research at Texas A&M University in 1998-2003. His research focuses on reachable batteries and fuel cells. He has published more than 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals including Science, Nature Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications. His work has been cited form more than 11700 times with H-index of 58 (ISI). His work on lithium batteries have been featured in NASA Tech Brief, EFRC/DoE newsletter, C&EN etc. Dr. Wang is the recipient of the A. James Clark School of Engineering Junior Faculty Outstanding Research Award in the University of Maryland in 2013, and winner of UMD’s invention of the Year for 2015.


下一条:【20周年院庆系列报告之九】Developing new type rechargeable batteries with high energy density based on anionic redox

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