鄢 浩









1996年 获哈尔滨工业大学环境工程专业学士学位

1998年 获哈尔滨工业大学应用化学系工学硕士学位。

2002年 获日本东京都立大学化学工程工学博士学位.

2002-2004年 日本农工大学博士研究员

2004-2006年 日本产业综合技术研究所(AIST),日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员(JSPS)





[1] Nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped silkworm-cocoon-based self-activated porous carbon for high performance supercapacitors, J. Power Sources, 37 (2019) 227045.

[2] Porous carbon anchored titanium carbonitride for high-performance supercapacitor,Electrochimica Acta 304 (2019) 138

[3] Synergistic SupercriticalWater‘Wet’Activated Biomass Carbon as High Performances Electrode Materials for Supercapacitor, J. Electrochem. Soc.164,A1-A7 165 (2018), A2075-A2083

[4]"Remarkable Electrochemical Responses of Ferrocene/NaY Zeolite Composite modified Electrode Based on Hydrophobic Ionic Liquid",Electroanalysis (2009), 21(23), 2597–2601

[5] "Electrochemical synthesis of a polypyrrole thin film with supercritical carbon dioxide as a solvent",Langmuir(2005),21,12303-12308

[6]"The Effects of Dense Carbon Dioxide on Nickel Plating using Carbon Dioxide in Electroplating Solution’, Surface and Coatings Technology (2004) ,182 (2-3), 329-334

[7]"Electroplating in CO2-in-Water and Water-in-CO2Emulsions Using a Nickel Electroplating Solution with Anionic Fluorinated Surfactant", Surface and Coatings Technology(2004),187 (1),86-92

[8]天然 CXN 沸石分子筛水热稳定性研究I. 水热稳定性影响因素,化 学 学 报(2009 ),67 ( 18), 2060~2066

[9]天然 CXN 沸石分子筛水热稳定性研究II. 水蒸汽处理温度对铵型沸石物化性质的影响化 学 学 报(2009 ),67 ( 18), 2067~2073

[10] 超临界CO2高温高压合成高分子导电膜装置, CN101818358B







Yan Hao

Associate professor

Department of Chemical engineering.

Room 204, Huanhua Building



hao-yan @shu.edu.cn

Educational Background:

Dr.Yan received her B.S.(1996), M S.(1998) at Harbin Institute of Technology and Ph.D.(2002) in engineering at Tokyo Metropolitan University of Japan, respectively. She was worked as a post-doctoral fellow on Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) of Japan(JSPS fellow) in turn, and since 2006 has been teacher of Department of Chemical engineering at Shanghai university. In recent years, she published more than 10 research papers in SCI journals and Chinese journals and 5 textbooks, and was granted about 3 invention patents in China. She is presently concerning on the application of supercritical carbon dioxide and ionic liquids in the green electrochemistry.

Academic Background:

2006,4-Present: Work as a teacher of Department of Chemical engineering in Shanghai University, Shanghai, China

2004,4~2006,3: Japan Society for Promotion Science (JSPS) Post-doctoral fellow in the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST), Tsukuba, Japan

2002,9-2004,3: Post-doctoral fellow in Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo,


1999.4~2002,10: Ph.D.in Chemical engineering, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan

1996.9~1998,6: M.S.in Applied Chemistry, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

1992.9~1996,6: B.S.in Environmental Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China

Research Field:

Supercritical Fluid, Electrochemistry, Ionic Liquids, Green chemical engineering.

Journal Papers and Patents:

[1] Nitrogen and phosphorus co-doped silkworm-cocoon-based self-activated porous carbon for high performance supercapacitors, J. Power Sources,37 (2019)227045.

[2] Porous carbon anchored titanium carbonitride for high-performance supercapacitor, Electrochimica Acta 304(2019)138.

[3] Synergistic Supercritical Water 'Wet' Activated Biomass Carbon as High Performances Electrode Materials for Supercapacitor, J. Electrochem.Soc.164, A1-A7 165 (2018), A2075-A2083.

[4] Remarkable Electrochemical Responses of Ferrocene NaY Zeolite Composite modified Electrode Based on Hydrophobic Ionic Liquid", Electroanalysis(2009), 21(23), 2597-2601

[5] "Electrochemical synthesis of a polypyrrole thin film with supercritical carbon dioxide as a solvent", Langmuir (2005),21,12303-12308.

[6] "The Effects of Dense Carbon Dioxide on Nickel Plating using Carbon Dioxide in Electroplating Solution', Surface and Coatings Technology(2004), 182(2-3), 329-334.

[7] "Electroplating in CO2-in-Water and Water-in-CO2Emulsions Using a Nickel Electroplating Solution with Anionic Fluorinated Surfactant", Surface and Coatings Technology(2004),187(1), 86-92.

[8] "Hydrothermal Stability of Natural CXN Zeolite I. Factors of Influencing the Hydrothermal Stability", Acta Chimica Sinica (2009), 67(18), 2060-2066.

[9] "Hydrothermal Stability of Natural CXN Zeolite II. Influence of Steaming Temperature on the properties of NH-Type Zeolite", Acta Chimica Sinica (2009),67 (18),2067-2073.

[10] A device used for conducing polymer film synthesis with supercritical carbon dioxide under high temperature and high pressure, Chinese patent,CN101818358B.

[11] A high-silica mesopore USSTI zeolite with high hydrothermal stability and its preparation

method, Chinese patent, CN101759197B.

[12] A test device for development of electroplating process and the plating solution under high pressure, Chinese patent, ZL201310057756.5.

Research Projects:

1. Thermodynamic behavior of carbon dioxide expanded deep eutectic solvent-ionic liquids and its application for the electrodeposition preparation of metal films National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.21176152),2012,01-2015,12.

2. Elctctropolymerization growth mechanism and shape-controlled preparation of conductive films in the supercritical CO2-IL biphasic systems,National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.20604015), 2007, 01-2009,12.


Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Principle of Chemical Engineering, Elementary Courses for Supercritical Fluid Technology,Chemical Techno-Economics

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